Sunday, February 22, 2009

never knew we had it so good

jay gulley cutting ridiculous vocals in new orleans from John Swint on Vimeo.
oh yeah. there's this.

all you yellow bellied chickens raised free range

going a little stir crazy in the studio. still making some pretty cool progress and interesting sounds. i thought i could add some flute to a track, but didn't have any idea how to make sound come out of it. phillip got attacked by a plastic goose. we found out more ridiculous ways that jay can use his voice. this is our last day in this particular fancy studio. after a brief parade watching vacation, we'll be at another studio wrapping this thing up.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

dancing in the streets

mardi gras is in our midst. parades are going on everywhere at all times. unfortunately that set us back for two and a half hours while trying to get to the studio. everywhere we would turn, there was another parade. we ended up on a ferry to get to the other side of town. it kind of sucked because everyone all around was having a blast as we were trying to get to work. i guess that's what you get for booking recording time in new orleans during mardi gras.

experimentation village


after juvenile left we could finally get down to business. we learned that jay's vocals sound great when we run them through his old four track cassette recorder. we also layed down a bunch of cool drum parts. it seems like things don't really get going until after 3 oclock every day. when they finally get going though, we have great results. we are doing some crazy things like running a sound effect of bees buzzing through a leslie cabinet, and having that be a prominent track on a song. we're having lots of fun experimenting with some crazy sounds. very excited for what's to come.

Friday, February 20, 2009


kip went back to the casino today and lost all of his money.

hurry up and wait

yesterday we went through some technical difficulties early on that set us back a little, but we've been pushing through ever since. our friend kip, who came down here with us to soak up the new orleans vibes, chose to spend his day yesterday at the casino playing blackjack. he came out on top about $500.
speaking of 'big pimpin', we had to cut short some drum recording today because someone in another studio room was making too much noise. when we tried to go over there and lay down the law, we found out that it was famed new orleans rapper, juvenile, who was laying down some last minute tracks before catching a flight. still no lil wayne sightings as of yet, but the week has just started. keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

first day in the studio

lots of sitting around and waiting for the engineers to do their thing. i checked the drum sounds. then jojo checked the keys. haven't recorded any songs yet, but we're ready. maybe we'll start before the night is over. if not, that's cool. we'll keep fooling around with sounds. having a good ol time.